Search for tag: "provider"


From  Scott Wetstone 219 plays 0  

Lazzarini-What happened in Texas-09-08-21

From  Zita Lazzarini 95 plays 0  

Lazzarini-Reproductive Justice-03-13-19

From  Zita Lazzarini 349 plays 0  

HOCC Medicine Clinic Overview

From  sek18010 606 plays 0  

LGBT Healthcare Training Video: "To Treat Me, You Have to Know Who I Am"

"To Treat Me, You Have to Know Who I Am": New York City Health and Hospitals launched a mandatory employee training program that will improve access to healthcare for lesbian, gay, bisexual…

From  Zita Lazzarini 112 plays 0  

Lazzarini-Limits of Autonomy-09-15-16

From  Zita Lazzarini 375 plays 0  

Lazzarini-Shared Decision-Making & Informed Consent

From  Zita Lazzarini 511 plays 0  

Lazzarini-Decision-Making for Minors Infants, Children & Adolescents

From  Zita Lazzarini 716 plays 0  

Huntington-Risk Management

From  Zita Lazzarini 321 plays 0